Skook WIP #47

Greetings fellow travelers on this planet as it spins around its sun as that sun spins around its galaxy as that galaxy travels through the cosmos!

We’re on the move folks!

Today is the fifth day of my “Long Week”. I’m working six days from Monday to Saturday.

This has followed my “Long Weekend” – that time when my rotating days off came together to give me three (Friday, Saturday and Sunday) days off in a row. Since Veteran’s Day came on Thursday I ended up with a lovely four day weekend. We took advantage of this time to have friends over on Saturday for an early Thanksgiving. Since I’ve been working for USPS Thanksgiving has often felt like a rushed event rather than a celebration. This year we got to plan and cook and relax. It was lovely. The leftovers disappeared a little too fast though.

Rain. Earlier than necessary darkness because we keep repeating the time change thing even though it no longer serves its purpose. Cold. Winter has arrived. So this is another short newsletter. A few pages of sketches and a sales pitch at the end.

The Sketches –

The Sales Pitch –

I run two online stores that feature my art on schtuff. If you like my art and want it on schtuff, please check them out –
The Skookworks Zazzle Store
The Skookworks Redbubble Store

Thank you for dropping by! May your days be pleasant and your nights be warm and comfortable.

See you next week!